Monday 24 September 2018

My Kiwi information report

By Miracle Lemana
I am learning to inform my audience through an information report

What bird is flightless, small, brown, fuzzy and is native to Aotearoa, New Zealand? Yes, it is the extraordinary kiwi bird. Did you know that kiwis actually have a great memory, and are capable of learning quickly. Studies have shown kiwis can remember negative experiences for up to five years, which can help them stay alert in the wild. There are different important things about Kiwis that we need to know in order to help them to survive. To understand the kiwi we can look at the physical and behavioral adaptations, their diet, and also what are the common predators.

The kiwi bird is roughly the size of a chicken, with the female kiwi being larger in size compared to the male kiwi. The physical adaptation of a kiwi is that it often in shades of brown this helps to camouflage the kiwi within its habitat. It has 13 brown flightless feathers on their wings, these wings are not strong enough to allow the kiwi to fly. The is related to other flightless birds like the emu, ostrich and moa. Unlike any other bird the kiwi has a long pointy beak with nostrils on the tip. This is very unusual for many birds to have nostrils at the end of it’s beck. This physical adaptation allows for the kiwi to use its sense of smell over their eyesight, as the kiwi is rather blind so they rely on their sense of smell. Especially as the kiwi is nocturnal and hunts for food at night.

Kiwis are omnivores so that means that they eat both meat and plants. The kiwi bird likes to eat many things like invertebrates and berries. Their favorite snack to munch on are earthworms. Luckily New Zealand is rich with a variety of worms. The earthworm is also one of the main sources of water for the kiwi as the earthworm is 85% water. This allows for the kiwi not to have a habitat that isn’t necessary located close to water. However if they are close to a body of water the kiwi bird can eat some a range of food from the water including crayfish/koura, eels and tuna. While the kiwi is hunting, the predators can also be lurking for kiwis in the dark forest.

A predator is a living thing that hunts another living thing. The kiwi bird has many predators like the cats, stoats, dogs, ferrets and possums. These predators are usually hard on the adult kiwi as they are flightless and their habitats are located on the ground in areas that are easy to reach for such predators. The kiwi adult is a target, as well as the young and the eggs. In order for the kiwi to survive and stay our national treasure we need to provide safe habitats were kiwis are able to have their needs meet.

As you can see the kiwi is a unique bird, that has many physical and behavioral adaptations. The kiwi is a native treasure to New Zealand that needs to survive for our future generations. We must have an understanding of the adaptations, the diet and the predators to make sure that the kiwi continues to stay alive.

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