Monday 19 March 2018

My Growth Mindset

I have created a mindset goal and motto on bunting!

Monday 12 March 2018

This is me

I am learning to post a photo on to my blog.

Charlie's New Friend

I am learning to write a narrative based on a image

Charlie was a lonely boy always doing monotonous things. But then one day, Charlie look out the window suspiciously at the children outside playing cheerfully. “Why am I so lonely,” Charlie moaned. As soon as he said that his mind flicked and he had an idea. He got a lot of mechanical pieces and started to build a robot.

A few days later after school, Charlie went to find his robot.“Where could he be,” Charlie asked. He looked all around his chaotic bedroom, under his untidy bed, in his dusty bookshelf and in his dark closet. Huffing and puffing and swiping all the sweat while trying to find the robot of his life. Making his way down the stairs towards the kitchen, thinking that his robot would be munching with glee and easily located in the kitchen.

But NO! The robot wasn’t there, so he ran outside of the house leaving the door open behind him. He was so worried that he didn’t stop to look at the open door. He past his friend’s house and the candy store to go to school. He obviously found his robot but with the bullies from school, too. Charlie had forgotten that his robot was going to pick him up after school. Charlie and the robot uniting forces to take on the school bullies and prepare for the battle of their lives. !HYAAA!

Both Charlie and the robot end up sprinting as fast as lightning back home. They hug each other and they will never forget that day!

Growth Mindset

    Do what is right not what is easy.

Image result for fixed and growth mind pictureTo me this mindset means....
that you should always do what is right even when I want to rush!

I could use this mindset when....
I am trying to finish something quickly but I need to do it the right way. 

Friday 2 March 2018

My Meboard

   In room 6 we have been taking our time to make these me boards. We first planed it twice then started the real one. It looks really good right now.